based on — Allison Kobren — Communication Design

  1. — 1 —
    Put the object in front of you.
  2. — 2 —
    Take 5 photographs, each at a different vantage point; The first photograph should be taken looking upwards at the subject, and the final photograph should be taken looking downwards at the subject.
  3. — 3 —
    Only one of the 5 photographs should be at eye level.
  4. — 4 —
    No re-do’s. All photos must be used in the composition, even if one is “ruined” (i.e., someone walked in front of the camera).
  5. — 5 —
    Crop the images to squares of same size and assemble them vertically.
  6. — 6 —
    Rotate object and repeat.
  7. — 7 —
    Rotate object and repeat.
  8. — 4 —
    Assemble your three “film strips” horizontally.

Allison Kobren is an AAS Communication Design candidate at Parsons School of Design. With a professional background as a healthcare provider, her approach to design is informed by research, close visual and behavioral observation, logic, and close attention to detail. (2019)

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