Week 7-14: 3/7-5/2
Student-led Workshops to field test experimental observational methods
As a workshop-facilitator, you will share a set of three readings a week in advance. These readings should come out of your existing research practices and there is no need to look for something completely new – just select articles or chapters of books that inspired you the most so far. You can also ask the group to bring in simple tools or instruments (like a measure tape, a mobile phone, paper, pen, a laptop). You will initiate your workshop with a short and simple “observational score” — take a look at the fluxus event score book for syntax/examples. You can stick to a single instruction (which will then take up to 30 min) or introduce a series of shorter micro-observations. After the observation, the class will discuss the experience and give feedback on how the initial observational score could be modified or extended. The collected instructions of all workshops will be “published” as an Observational Score Book.
From here to microplastics
Juliana Beecher, Anthropology (MA)
If Only You Could Talk
Ayinde Michael-Khensu, Creative Writing (MFA)
The Dance
Tess Murdock, Textiles (MFA)
Untitled (Taxonomy)
Lexie Madison Lombard, Graphic Design (AAS)
Luke Michael McCusker, Fine Arts (MFA)
Emotions come in all forms
Natalie Grace Karl, Interior Design (MFA)
The Mirror
Alejandra María Alvarez Portilla, Fashion Marketing (AAS)
Recreating Empathy
Jhon Valdes Klinger, Creative Writing (MFA)
Erica Eisenberg, Transdisciplinary Design (MFA)
You had a plastic parrot on your handlebars
Rae Lavande Pellerin, Fine Arts (MFA)
Psychogeography of an Object
Gyo Joon Hwang, Interior Design (BFA)
Space Utopia
Iris Hu, Fine Arts (BFA)
Leka Sesotho (Try Sesotho language)
Janna Akimova, Schools of Public Engagement (…)
Comments by Pascal