Observational Practices Lab

Author: Pascal

Archive as Method:
Radical Records of Nature
Transdisciplinary Studio Class Fall 23

UTNS 5143 Critical StudioSelena Kimball & Pascal GlissmannWednesday 9:55-10:45pm Field notes, cyanotypes, sound recordings, frottage, virtual simulations—the history of observing and…

Laboratory for Art and Research

Laboratory for Art and Research External Partner Directed by Professor Karina Nimmerfall The LABORATORY FOR ART AND RESEARCH at the…

Selena Kimball

Selena Kimball Co-Director Selena Kimball is a research-based, interdisciplinary visual artist whose work—large-scale collage, installation, and book projects—examines visual perceptions…

Pascal Glissmann

Pascal Glissmann Co-Director Pascal Glissmann is Assistant Professor of Art, Media and Technology at Parsons The New School for Design….

Archive as Method: Radical Records of Nature Transdisciplinary Studio Class Fall 24

UTNS 5143 Critical StudioSelena Kimball & Pascal GlissmannWednesday 9:55am – 11:45amAcademic Entrance 63 Fifth AveRoom: 200 Recording Instructions Week 1…

Practices of Observation

Publication 2022

The class “Practices of Observation” is part of the University Lecture Program that instigates a transdisciplinary dialogue across graduate programs…

Radical Records — DRAFT

Week 5 Time/ Frame(s) Workshops Workshop #9:  Anthotype Workshop, Jill Enfield https://www.jillenfield.com/ Brainstorm: Making the anthotype photogram (as groups) 1….

Stress-testing Observation Scores
week 5

We will meet individually next week. Bring your Observation Score and think through and answer the following: Workshop mechanics: Title…

Instructions as an Apparatus for Seeing
week 4

“The first examples of what were to become Fluxus event scores date back to John Cage’s famous class at The…

Observation Grid

week 3

Documentation of this week’s workshop: Prepare For Next Week: We will use the documentation of all your previous observations (and…

The Thingly World

week 2

Prepare For Next Week: Use the map of objects you generated in class–think about the research you want to pursue…

Week 1
Practices of Observation
UTNS 5140 — Spring 2022

UTNS 5140 A Transdisciplinary Graduate Class Wednesday 12:10-2:50pm 66 West 12th, Room 517 The New School University Spring 2022

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Atlas of Looking at Water

Fall 2021

LOOKING AT WATER: Conversations with artists and scientists Observational Practices Lab @ Parsons The New School University, New York City…

Field School:
Dig Where You Stand
May 24—29th, 2021

Field School: Dig Where You Stand is a collaboration between the Observational Practices Lab, Parsons, and the Laboratory for Art…

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Making observations during times of isolation
week 10

First of all, we hope everyone is in good health and good spirits, despite these unprecedented conditions. We understand the…

Atlas of
Everyday Objects
In the age of global social Isolation

— #objectsofmyisolation The Atlas of Everyday Objects (Social Media Aggregation) @Instagram | @facebook | @twitter —

Archive of
Observation Scores
since 2017

Ways of seeing everyday objects anew. A transdisciplinary approach to unlearn what we think we know.

Archive of
Observation Scores

Ways of Seeing
Everyday Objects anew

What is this archive?

© 2024 Observational Practices Lab.