Week 5: 2/21
Translating Observations
In order to instigate a conversation about the different ways we are looking at the world, we need to first understand our very own practices of reading our environment and its artifacts. How much of our habitual “looking” is shaped by personal history and cultural background? In which ways do disciplinary methodologies — learned in educational institutions and through professional everyday practices — influence the way we see things and maybe even narrow our experience?
“Thus the complete Humboldtian traveller, in order to make satisfactory observations, should be able to cope with everything from the revolution of the satellites of Jupiter to the carelessness of clumsy donkeys.” (Cannon, Susan Faye. (1978). Science in culture: the early Victorian period. Kent, Eng: Dawon)
In-class workshop
Using what you prepared for today (instructions, instruments, readings) introduce your idea(s) for leading a workshop on a certain practice of observation. This is a casual exchange. Our goal is to learn form each other and invite our peers to apply our methodologies to see their object/research in new ways.
In groups, we will then discuss how your material can be translated into a set of instructions.
For next week
Observation Scores
As workshop facilitator/ host, you will provide Observation Scores based on your practice/research. Since these are crucial in terms of letting other enact the observation, we will take more time to get these into place. At home, write down 10 instructions. Take into consideration the discussions of today, and the Fluxus Workbook. Also, remember that instructions can be really short and should not be overly long (try to work in between 1-6 steps).
For each of these Observation Scores, add one more step that refers to the recording of the observation.
Object of Investigation
As workshop participant, you will receive Observation Scores from a peer that will help you to see your “Object of Investigation” in different ways. Make sure you keep thinking about the object you would like to work with during the workshops.
Photo by GMB Monkey on Unsplash
Comments by Pascal