based on — Fernando Kawai — Clinical Medicine
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In a speculate conversation ask the object:
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
What would you like to be remembered for?
What gave meaning to your life?
Would you like to give any advice to your family? - — 2 —
To document: record the answers.
Dr. Kawai is a Geriatrician and Palliative Care physician and Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. His research interests include: Medical education, Hospital Medicine, Inpatient Geriatrics and Palliative Care, Mindfulness and Contemplative Care, Medical Care of Ethnic minorities.(2017)
“Meaning Centered Therapy / Life Review” is a therapy for patients that have a serious illness. It involves answering specific questions aimed at raising awareness and inspiring the patient to reflect as the end of life approaches. Developed following principles set by Austrian Neurologist and Psychiatrist Viktor Von Frankl (Author of “Man’s Search for Meaning)”
See Fernando’s OBJECT AMERICA I talk
Comments by Pascal